SEINSA sees record-breaking visitors and revolutionizes the automotive brake sector at the Automechanika Fair in Frankfurt
Presents the Brake Caliper and the EPB Actuator Repair Kit,
And celebrates its 50th anniversary in Germany
SEINSA Corporation, a leader in Europe in the aftermarket automotive industry of brake, suspension and transmission technical parts, is a key player at the Automechanika Fair in Frankfurt. The Spanish company from Navarra has a dedicated 80 square meters stand to showcase new products.
SEINSA Corporation has tripled the number of visitors on the first day of the exhibition. Professionals come to the stand attracted by two new products revolutionizing the automotive brake world: the Brake Caliper and the EPB Actuator Repair Kit, both designed and created by the firm’s innovation team after long months of research and study.
“We never stop innovating and we land in Frankfurt loaded with new products and innovations, intending to have an impact in a sector which is necessary and key driver for the economy”, explains José Antonio Espinosa, CEO of SEINSA Corporation. This international fair takes place within a context where the aftermarket automotive industry is undergoing a transformation phase. 2,800 exhibitors, most of them from outside Germany, are attending the event in Frankfurt. SEINSA comes to Germany with a packed agenda full of professional meetings and a global expansion plan designed at the company’s manufacturing plant in Eugi (Pamplona, Spain).
The company has three manufacturing plants in Navarra, Spain, a fourth one in Chennai, India, and in 2022 established a logistics center in Poland. This year, marking its 50th anniversary, SEINSA also received the Arizmendiarrieta Saria Award for its business model based on constant innovation.
Among the key topics discussed by the experts this year at the Automechanika fair were the alternative propulsion systems, training and business development, resilient supply chains, and e-commerce. With regard to the latter, priority has been given to implement an eCommerce Project aiming to focus on further automation of its production process and the launching of new products.
Sustainable Growth
SEINSA Corporation has increased yearly sales volume surpassing the figure of 30 million euros in 2021, despite the foresight of the automobile sector in general. 98% of the company’s sales are exports to 85 countries.
The company has become stablished as Spain’s pioneer in the development of the European model of business excellence, and it makes its anti-crisis management method available for the entire auto industry sector.
In 2020 SEINSA becomes one of the most innovative companies recognized by the Basque Innovation Agency, INNOBASQUE. And in 2022 won the Arizmendiarrieta Saria Award for its positive social impact for its inclusive and participatory model
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